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Looker & LookML Ingestion Guide: Overview

What You Will Get Out of This Guide

This guide will help you set up the Looker & LookML connectors to begin ingesting metadata into DataHub.

Upon completing this guide, you will have a recurring ingestion pipeline that will extract metadata from Looker & LookML and load it into DataHub. This will include to following Looker asset types:

Looker Connector Ingested Assets:

  • Dashboards

  • Charts

  • Explores

  • Schemas

  • Owners of Dashboards

    To get complete Looker metadata integration (including Looker views and lineage to the underlying warehouse tables), you must also use the lookml connector.

To learn more about setting these advanced values, check out the Looker Ingestion Source.

LookML Connector Ingested Assets

  • LookML views from model files in a project

  • Metadata for dimensions

  • Metadata for measures

  • Dimension Groups as tag

    To get complete Looker metadata integration (including Looker dashboards and charts and lineage to the underlying Looker views, you must also use the looker connector.

Next Steps

Continue to the setup guide, where we'll describe the prerequisites.

Advanced Guides and Reference

If you want to ingest metadata from Looker using the DataHub CLI, check out the following resources:

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